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- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Section common to all game types
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- include common.txt
- include ffire.txt
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // King of the hill specific section
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- variable ownHillBonus 10
- // 0 = no owner, 1 = green, 2 = tan, 3 = blue, 4 = grey
- variable hillowner 0
- variable oldhillowner 0
- // @1 = color, @2 = Capitalized color (e.g. "Green"), @3 is value for hillowner,
- // @4-6 are other colors
- macro koth_macro 6
- {
- variable @1onhill 0
- // these pairs of variables are used to prevent sarge leaving and returning to the hill within
- // 1 second and scoring at a double rate
- variable @1GainsHillCount 0
- variable @1KeepsHillCheck 0
- pad @1hill 20 @1sarge1
- // for colors in game set the markers to be squares on stratmap
- if startup1 testvar iscoloringame @1 > 0 then
- setitemflag @1mark1 stratsquare 1,
- setitemflag @1mark2 stratsquare 1,
- setitemflag @1mark3 stratsquare 1,
- setitemflag @1mark4 stratsquare 1,
- setitemflag @1mark5 stratsquare 1,
- setitemflag @1mark6 stratsquare 1,
- setitemflag @1mark7 stratsquare 1,
- setitemflag @1mark8 stratsquare 1
- // check for @1 sarge owning the hill
- if padon @1hill then
- setvar @1onhill 1,
- trigger check@1ownshill
- if padoff @1hill then
- setvar @1onhill 0,
- trigger @1offhill
- if killed @1sarge1 then
- setvar @1onhill 0,
- trigger @1offhill
- if @1offhill testvar hillowner = @3 then
- removescoresymbol @1 king,
- setvar hillowner 0,
- trigger hillOwnerChanged,
- trigger check@4ownshill,
- trigger check@5ownshill,
- trigger check@6ownshill
- if check@1ownshill testvar @1onhill = 1 and hillowner = 0 then
- setvar hillowner @3,
- trigger hillOwnerChanged,
- showmessage "@2 is king of the hill",
- addscoresymbol @1 king,
- addvar @1GainsHillCount 1,
- triggerdelay 3000 check@1scoresinitial
- if check@1scoresinitial then
- addvar @1KeepsHillCheck 1
- if check@1scoresinitial testvar hillowner = @3 then
- trigger check@1scores
- if check@1scores testvar hillowner = @3 and @1KeepsHillCheck = @1GainsHillCount then
- addvar @1score ownHillBonus,
- playsound "mp_tick.wav" (0,0) 2 3,
- trigger check@1wins,
- triggerdelay 3000 check@1scores
- // update the flags to display the owner of the hill
- if hillOwnerChanged testvar oldhillowner = @3 then
- undeploy @1mark1,
- undeploy @1mark2,
- undeploy @1mark3,
- undeploy @1mark4,
- undeploy @1mark5,
- undeploy @1mark6,
- undeploy @1mark7,
- undeploy @1mark8,
- setitemflag @1mark1 strategic 0,
- setitemflag @1mark2 strategic 0,
- setitemflag @1mark3 strategic 0,
- setitemflag @1mark4 strategic 0,
- setitemflag @1mark5 strategic 0,
- setitemflag @1mark6 strategic 0,
- setitemflag @1mark7 strategic 0,
- setitemflag @1mark8 strategic 0,
- setvar oldhillowner hillowner,
- trigger showNewHillOwner
- if showNewHillOwner testvar hillowner = @3 then
- deploy @1mark1,
- deploy @1mark2,
- deploy @1mark3,
- deploy @1mark4,
- deploy @1mark5,
- deploy @1mark6,
- deploy @1mark7,
- deploy @1mark8,
- setitemflag @1mark1 strategic 1,
- setitemflag @1mark2 strategic 1,
- setitemflag @1mark3 strategic 1,
- setitemflag @1mark4 strategic 1,
- setitemflag @1mark5 strategic 1,
- setitemflag @1mark6 strategic 1,
- setitemflag @1mark7 strategic 1,
- setitemflag @1mark8 strategic 1
- }
- expand koth_macro ( green "Green" 1 tan blue grey )
- expand koth_macro ( tan "Tan" 2 blue grey green )
- expand koth_macro ( blue "Blue" 3 grey green tan )
- expand koth_macro ( grey "Grey" 4 green tan blue )
- if hillOwnerChanged testvar oldhillowner = 0 then
- setvar oldhillowner hillowner,
- trigger showNewHillOwner
- // whenever hillowner changes create explosions to make flags appear/dissapper in a
- // puf of smoke
- if hillOwnerChanged then
- createexplosion greenmark1 128 0 green,
- createexplosion greenmark2 128 0 green,
- createexplosion greenmark3 128 0 green,
- createexplosion greenmark4 128 0 green,
- createexplosion greenmark5 128 0 green,
- createexplosion greenmark6 128 0 green,
- createexplosion greenmark7 128 0 green,
- createexplosion greenmark8 128 0 green
- // if there is a new hill owner then play one sound
- if showNewHillOwner testvar hillowner <> 0 then
- playsound "mp_own.wav" (0,0) 1 2
- // if the hill is now empty play a different sound
- //if showNewHillOwner testvar hillowner = 0 then
- // playsound "mp_koth2.wav" 0 1